
Would You Rather #6

I would rather have a real life stalker that dresses like the Easter bunny that everyone can see. I would rather have a real life stalker that dresses like the Easter bunny because at least everyone will be able to see him and I will know that I am not slowly going insane. Yeah the clown would just stand in the corner and not do anything but I would be the only one that would see him and I think that would make me go more crazy than actually having a stalker that other people will see too. If everyone can see my stalker then at least they will believe me and try to help me instead of trying to put me in counseling .

Would you rather #5

I would rather be poor and help people instead of being rich and hurting people. I would rather help people because I wouldn’t want people to treat me bad so why would I hurt those people. If people don’t help more in the world then everyone will be miserable. People need to learn to respect each other and treat each other the way they would want to be treated no matter what their social status is. I don’t care if you’re rich or poor, I would gladly help you in any way I can if you need help. I think this question is a great choice to give someone because I think it really opens your eyes to how treating people can affect them.

Do the Numbers Matter to You?

Numbers will never matter to me. I honestly couldn’t care less about how many likes I can get on a post or picture online because it just doesn’t matter to me. I think people get so swept up in social media by how many likes they can get and if you don’t get very many then you’re “not cool”. I don’t care if I get 100 likes or 1 like because I don’t need anyone’s approval and nobody else does either. I don’t understand how people base their entire life on their popularity. It’s like they can’t live on their own or they can’t live without approval from others. I hope one day everyone will learn they don’t need anybody who is going to drag them down.

Are People More Respectful Online or in-Person?

I think people are more respectful online. They are more respectful online because they don’t have to be worried about that person’s response. They aren’t going to track that person down just to yell at them. On the other hand when someone is talking in-person they tend to be kinder and more respectful. I guess why people change is because they think they can get away with being rude and mean when they aren’t directly speaking to that person whereas online they don’t see their face and feel like they can say whatever they feel like however mean or hurtful.

Can Human Rights For a Single Person be Violated For a Larger Group’s Safety?

I think human rights can definitely be violated for a larger group’s safety. I think this because if someone’s human right is being use to harm themselves or others then somebody needs to stop them. An example would be if someone made some huge speech about wanting to murder someone the police would obviously have to step in for the safety of others even if that person said he/she has a right to freedom of speech and freedom of opinion. I believe that everyone should have their human rights but if you use those rights to harm yourself or others then I don’t think there is anything wrong with violating their rights.

Human Rights

I believe the concept of human rights is that everyone is born with certain rights that can’t be taken away. The reason for this is that there are some things that over the years people have believed should be a given right. An example of these rights would be like the right to believe in any religion you choose. When I think of human rights I think about The Declaration of Independence and about how it gives three examples of basic human rights. The examples it gives are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness which I think are wonderful human rights. I believe there are very few things in life that can’t be taken away but I think human rights are one of those things.

What would be on the mixtape of your life?

The mixtape of my life would probably consist of  different Broadway musical numbers like Alexander Hamilton or Wicked. I love the songs in these musicals because a lot of them really bring you down to reality and help you to understand both sides of a story and really bring to your attention the wrong in the world. I also love these songs because the people that sing and perform these songs are so talented and their voices are gorgeous to listen to. I would also add instrumental music to my mixtape because I play different instruments and love hearing how beautiful each instrument can sound when played correctly. These types of songs define my life because I want to do what I can to help people and that’s what a lot of these musicals are about.

First Crush?

My first crush was definitely Leonardo Di Caprio. I remember him being my first crush because I watched the movie “Titanic” and I absolutely adored him. Thinking back now I’m pretty sure I only liked him because I thought he was cute. I think I was in 4th grade at the time because I was about 9 and I had first watched the movie with my sister when she was babysitting me. I don’t remember much about it because it wasn’t very long until I forgot all about him and switched to a new cute celebrity.

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